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Home Resources Blog The Top 10 Focus Points for Security in 2020 – Webinar 26 June 2020

The Top 10 Focus Points for Security in 2020 – Webinar 26 June 2020

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The Top 10 Focus Points for Security in 2020 – Webinar 26 June 2020

As cloud services play an ever more integral role in core IT solutions, their security offerings grow equally in importance. Referencing to ‘top 10 focus points for security in 2020’, Esteban Hernández, specialist solutions architect for security and compliance at Amazon EMEA, provided very specific insights into the security services and provisions of AWS.

In particular, he stressed the “democratization of security” through cloud services, as the advances made in solving security needs in all kinds of verticals generate enterprise grade security for all service customers, large and small. Indeed, today Amazon offers “230 security, compliance and governance services and key features.”

The presentation of Esteban Hernández takes you under the bonnet of AWS services, with clear examples how security is provided. It provides pointers how to make maximum use of available AWS data (e.g. logs), and how to avoid security weaknesses caused by inadequate access measures. He made clear how to protect data, by making use of storage policies and services, as well as solid encryption practices (including safe key management). Added to all this are possibilities of going for deep granularity, as well as taking measures at regional area level, or security group level.

A cloud journey presumes a growing understanding of both complexities and opportunities offered by those services.  In his presentation, Esteban Hernandez combined both security advice and specific AWS service information, of use by both present and prospective users of these Amazon services, in particular for security practitioners.

About the author
Guy Kindermans

Guy Kindermans

Information technology journalist
Guy Kindermans is a freelance journalist, specialized in information technology, privacy and business continuity. From 1985 to 2014 he was senior staff writer at Data News (Roelarta Media Group).
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