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To get involved in initiatives supported by the association, there are several avenues you can explore.

Firstly, you can stay informed about upcoming projects and initiatives by regularly checking our communication channels such as the Cyber Pulse newsletter, the Coalition LinkedIn account and website. These platforms often announce new initiatives and call for volunteers or contributors.

Secondly, consider joining one or more focus groups dedicated to specific areas of interest within the association. Focus group involvement allows you to directly contribute your skills, expertise, and ideas to initiatives that align with your interests and goals.

Additionally, do not hesitate to reach out to the Coalition Board of Directors, the Programme Committee chair and members, the Focus groups’ permanent chairs or the CSC Operations staff to express your interest in participating in initiatives or to inquire about available opportunities. Your proactive approach demonstrates your commitment and enthusiasm for contributing to the association’s initiatives and advancing its mission.

The calendar of Experience Sharing Events and Focus Group meetings is published on the calendar page of the Coalition’s website:

Members enrolled in a specific focus group also receive a personalized invitation to the meetings. These invitations are sent through our event tool, InviteDesk, and may occasionally land in spam folders. We advise you to check your spam folder.

All individuals included in our membership database also receive a personal invitation to participate in our Experience Sharing Events, which are open to our entire community. These InviteDesk invitations may also be filtered into your spam folder. Note that if you unsubscribe to InviteDesk, you will no longer receive our invitations.

The calendar on our website also lists fairs, conventions and events where the Coalition participates as a co-organizer, sponsor, or partner.

We recommend subscribing to our Cyber Pulse newsletter to stay updated on our Experience Sharing Events.

Focus Groups

As a general guideline, participation in Focus Group meetings is typically restricted to three individuals per member for each Focus Group. However, in cases of space constraints, this number may be further limited to two or even one attendee per member. In situations where a member designates more than one representative, it is advisable to identify one person as the principal representative and primary contact.

The involvement of a Coalition member in a Focus Group should stem from a robust dedication to the Focus Group’s endeavours, ultimately benefiting the entire Coalition community.

Whenever feasible, Coalition members should strive for consistency in their representation within the Focus Group, aiming for continuity in attendance and coherence in the positions articulated by their representatives. It is advisable to maintain a core group of individuals consistently attending Focus Group meetings.

We refer to the General rules and working guidelines for Focus Groups for more information on the composition of the Focus Groups and their operation.

The Focus Group permanent chair determines the format of the plenary sessions. Meetings are typically hosted at a member organization, which provides the technical infrastructure. However, video conferencing equipment may not always be available in the reserved room. Even in the absence of technical constraints, some permanent chairs prefer physical meetings, as they encourage a more open interaction among members compared to hybrid meetings.

Once you have access to the Focus Group Teams, you can look up the email addresses of other members of the Focus Group if you wish to contact them bilaterally. You can also post in the Teams. However, it is worth noting that other members of the Focus Group may not be consistently logged into the Coalition tenant and may not respond immediately to your post. For a prompt response, it is advisable to contact the relevant member via email.

Some Focus Groups utilize the Signal app for swift communication. These Signal groups are managed by the permanent chair of the Focus Group, who can add you to the group upon request.

The information and best practices that members share with their peers during the meetings of a focus group are by default colored “amber”, unless the information owner indicates that this information can be shared with a broader audience. Any presentations or other shared documents are stored in the Teams of the Focus Group and are only accessible to the members of this Focus Group

Information designated as “amber” according to the Traffic Light Protocol framework is considered sensitive and can be shared with colleagues in your organizations that have a legitimate interest or involvement in addressing the issue at hand, but it should not be further disseminated beyond the intended recipients. Information designated as “red” is considered highly sensitive and should be restricted to the members of the Focus Group.

The Coalition blog site contains a lot of interesting “white” labeled information (articles, podcasts, videos) that can be consulted by every visitor to our website. This content often refers to presentations that were recorded during our Experience Sharing Events. We invite you to explore this rich source of information assets.

To gain access to the Cyber Security Coalition’s Microsoft 365 tenant, you must be included in our membership database and enrolled in one or more Focus Groups. Subsequently, you will receive a message from Microsoft inviting you to log in to our tenant using a guest account associated with your email address. Detailed instructions for this process are provided in our guideline titled “Accessing a Cyber Security Coalition Teams Site.” You can obtain the guideline by sending a request to [email protected].

During this setup, you will need to establish a password. At times, you may encounter issues if your browser has stored the credentials of your work account. The guideline mentioned above offers several tips to resolve this problem.

If you wish to enrol a colleague in a Focus Group, please send a request to the mailbox [email protected]. The CSC Operations contractor will process your request within two business days and add the colleague to the membership database and the selected Focus Group. Following this registration, the colleague will receive an invitation to log in to the Teams platform of the relevant Focus Group and will also be included in all meeting invitations related to this Focus Group.

For some Focus Groups, additional admission requirements may apply, such as an intake interview with the permanent chair to assess the colleague’s expectations and motivation (e.g., OT/ICS Security Focus Group). Some Focus Groups are reserved for specific profiles (e.g., CDIR Focus Group). The CSC Operations contractor will connect the interested colleague with the permanent chair and organize the intake interview.

Upon request, the CSC Operations office can provide the member organization with a comprehensive overview of all employees included in our membership database. Additionally, we can furnish statistics regarding the participation rate of these employees in various activities of our association. Simply direct your request to [email protected].


The CSC Operations does its utmost to keep the association’s membership database up to date but count on your support for this. Please keep us informed of any changes to your billing information, of the people who need to be invited to our activities or your representatives in our focus groups. This can be done by simply sending an email to our mailbox [email protected].

Unless the CSC Operations office has received a notice of termination by the end of September of the ongoing year at the latest, your membership will be automatically renewed. We recommend sending us the Purchase Order number (if any) to be included in the membership fee invoice before the end of the year. At your explicit request, we can provide you with a price quotation. Send your request to [email protected]. Invoicing of the membership fees takes place in January of the new year. The invoices are sent by Proximus, to which we have outsourced the association’s accountancy. Invoices are sent from the following email address: [email protected].

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