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The Place to be for
Cyber Security Experts

Our mission is to bolster Belgium’s cyber security resilience by building a strong cyber security ecosystem at national level. We do so by bringing together the skills and expertise of the academic world, the private sector and public authorities on a trust-based platform aimed at fostering information exchange and implementing joint actions.

Let's Share Knowledge

Acquire and share knowledge and best practices, get to know new threats and opportunities, and network effectively during our experience sharing events.

Engage in peer-to-peer collaboration on specific topics in a trusted, open environment governed by Traffic Light Protocol and Chatham Rules

Discover our hands-on tools and e-learning module to boost your organization’s security posture. They are accessible to everyone!

Explore our resource library with blogs, webcasts, podcasts, presentations, reports, and white papers to boost your skills!

Learn about and support the Coalition’s campaigns and other initiatives to raise cyber risk awareness in Belgian society. 

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