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Home News News BE-CYBER 2024 – Secure Belgium’s Digital Future

BE-CYBER 2024 – Secure Belgium’s Digital Future

BE-CYBER 2024 – Secure Belgium’s Digital Future

Don’t miss this chance to connect with your peers, gain insights from industry experts, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about cybersecurity in Belgium.

Registration is now open for the third edition of BE-CYBER!

We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the third edition of the BE-CYBER Experience Sharing Event, the premier gathering for Belgium’s cybersecurity practitioners. Organized by the Cyber Security Coalition and sponsored by Agoria and the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium, this event brings together the entire Belgian cybersecurity ecosystem for an enriching exchange of ideas and insights.

This year’s event will focus on the NIS2 implementation (keynote), with a view toward its impending enforcement on October 17th. The NIS2 Directive is a crucial step in safeguarding our critical infrastructures from escalating cyber threats (DAVID Track), but its reach extends across the entire value chain. Successful defences in this evolving landscape will depend on the active engagement of leadership, employees, and third parties (ZEUS Track).

To effectively navigate the complexities of NIS2 compliance, organizations must consider a multifaceted approach. Certification (HEBE Track) can provide a tangible demonstration of commitment to cybersecurity best practices, but it is essential to evaluate the specific benefits and potential pitfalls of different certification schemes. Examining real-world use cases of successful NIS2 implementation (ARTEMIS Track) offers valuable insights into practical strategies and challenges. Finally, integrating NIS2 compliance into audit functions ensures ongoing evaluation and improvement, helping organizations maintain a strong security posture .

Our event offers a diverse range of sessions, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. We are proud to unveil the first line-up of esteemed speakers who will be gracing our stage. Whether you are a seasoned cybersecurity professional or just starting your journey, you will find something valuable to learn and discuss.

Don’t miss this chance to connect with your peers, gain insights from industry experts, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about cybersecurity in Belgium.

We look forward to welcoming you to the BE-CYBER Experience Sharing Event on October 8th in the Brussels-based BluePoint conference centre!

Keynote: Miguel De Bruycker, Managing Director General Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Will the NIS2 law make us more secure? 

The new NIS2 law seeks to establish uniform measures to ensure a high level of cybersecurity across the European Union. But what does this mean for organizations that fall within its scope, and can this ambitious level of cybersecurity truly be achieved? Are there potential risks or challenges associated with this approach, particularly for organizations that fall outside of its scope?

DAVID Track Panel: Navigating the evolving threat landscape

Join us for the panel “To Share or Not to Share Threat Intelligence,” where representatives from government,  solution providers, academia, and compliance experts will unravel the complexities of sharing threat information. Gain insight into the challenges, risks, and benefits of sharing critical intelligence, while exploring actionable solutions to improve collaboration. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in this thought-provoking discussion!

Moderator: Sujin Chan Allen (NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)) 

Panellists:  Bart Asnot (Microsoft); Ilias Chantzos (Broadcom Inc.); Alex Vandurme (NCI Agency); Miguel De Bruycker (CCB), Bart Preneel (KU Leuven)

HEBE Track Panel: Certify to secure? Rethink cybersecurity assurance

This panel will explore the Cyber Resilience Act, imposing robust cybersecurity standards for digital products and services across the EU. As John C. Maxwell wisely said, “Maturity doesn’t come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility.” Our experts will discuss how this sense of responsibility drives the certification process, helping businesses enhance their resilience and embrace the challenges and opportunities of these new requirements.

Moderator: Liliana Musetan (European Council); 

Panellists: Sebastien Deleersnyder (Toreon); Christiane Kirketerp de Viron (European Commission); Johan Klykens (CCB); Steve Purser, Marc Vauclair (NXP Semiconductors)

ZEUS Track: Orchestrating security: The role of leaders, employees & third parties in cyber defence

Are you aware of your third-party risks? ENISA’s assessment

Dr. Evangelos Ouzounis will address the growing challenge of third-party cybersecurity risks based on ENISA‘s thorough assessment. Supply chain attacks are becoming increasingly complex and persistent. Often, attackers target third-party code making it critical for organizations to validate external code before use. Despite good internal defences, organizations remain vulnerable through these external links, with attackers focusing on valuable customer assets like Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and intellectual property. Get more insights from ENISA on how to manage these risks.

Stop trying to make your employees aware about cybersecurity, it does not work 

In an era where employees are frequently targeted by cybercriminals, it is essential for them to know how to act and react effectively. Yet, despite the growing threats, many companies still struggle with making their cybersecurity awareness programmes truly impactful. In his talk Alexandre Pluvinage (ING Belgium) will challenge conventional approaches. Prepare for a fascinating exploration of how age-old learning methods from Ancient Greeks can be adapted to strengthen our defences against today’s digital threats.

ARTEMIS Track: Taking action: Use cases for strengthening our critical infrastructure

Use Case: DNS Belgium

Kristof Tuyteleers, our guest speaker from DNS Belgium, a leading digital service provider, will share real-world experiences on how his company effectively identifies and manages cybersecurity incidents, and the strategies they implement to ensure swift and efficient recovery.

Use case: Euroports Belgium 

Patrick Van den Branden will be sharing valuable insights into supply chain risk management, drawing from Euroports‘ extensive experience in managing complex logistics and ensuring security in the global supply chain.

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