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Home Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

General information

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements with the Cyber Security Coalition (hereafter referred to as the Coalition). By entering into an agreement with the Coalition, you therefore accept the applicability of these General Terms and Conditions. 

Any departure from these Terms and Conditions may only be requested in writing and is subject to the explicit approval of the Coalition. 

Any provision of these General Terms and Conditions found to be unenforceable or null and void shall not affect the validity of other provisions. 

Property and delivery

Where the agreement relates to the delivery of brochures, booklets or other goods, these will remain the property of the Coalition until such time as the principal sum, plus any costs and interest, have been paid in full. This shall apply notwithstanding the bankruptcy of the debtor of the invoice. 

The delivery shall be made at the risk of the customer, on whom the responsibility rests to insure against any damage. 

Prices and payment

All prices are indicated in euro, including VAT and any other charges. 

Payments must be made exclusively to the Coalition’s account number, namely BE10 0019 2099 8104 – BIC: GEBABEBB upon due invoice.

All our invoices are payable in Brussels, within a 60-day period of the billing date.

Interest of 8% per year shall be due ispo jure and without prior notice on any invoice amount that has not been paid by the due date. 

The failure to pay one invoice by the due date makes the outstanding balance of all remaining invoices, even if they are not yet due, payable ipso jure with immediate effect.

In case the invoice is not paid by the due date, the Coalition may, provided it gives notice, suspend the membership and all the advantages associated with it until the outstanding balance of all invoices is paid. The suspension will enter into effect on the date of the receipt of the notification. 

Personal data

Where the Coalition receives personal data in connection with an agreement, it will store this data to the extent legally permitted by law. For example,  when this is necessary for the execution of the agreement, when the Coalition has a legitimate interest or on the basis of a legal requirement.

The Coalition complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or ‘GDPR’).

The Coalition agrees not to pass on any personal data to organizations other than its processors in the sense of the GDPR, unless there is a legal obligation on the Coalition.

The Coalition is committed to respecting the privacy of its members and their representatives.

For more information about the way in which the Cyber Security Coalition handles personal data, please visit the ‘privacy notice’ section of the Coalition’s website at the bottom of the web page.


To be valid, a complaint must be submitted no later than 30 days following receipt of the invoice. After this period the invoice shall be deemed to have been accepted.


In case of a serious fault, each party’s liability is limited to compensation for direct material damage. The parties shall not be liable for indirect material or immaterial damage or loss of profits or income. 

Any liability of one party presupposes proof of that party having committed a serious fault, direct material damage and the causal relationship between the two latter. 

Force majeur

In case of force majeure, the Coalition shall be entitled, at its own discretion, to suspend the implementation of the agreement or annul the agreement without judicial intervention, without the Coalition being required to pay any compensation. 


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Cathy Suykens.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +32499718496

The Coalition Office’s postal address is Boulevard Roi Albert II, 4 in 1000 Brussels.

Dispute settlement and applicable law

The Brussels courts shall have sole jurisdiction where an amicable solution cannot be found, except if the debtor of the invoice is a consumer acting in that capacity. Belgian law shall apply.

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