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Home Resources Webcasts The NIS2 Directive: A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU

The NIS2 Directive: A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU

Under the NIS2 Directive, more entities and sectors will be required to take steps that will aid in improving cyber security in Europe. In addition to addressing supply chain security, NIS2 streamlines reporting obligations, introduces stricter supervisory measures and introduces more enforcement requirements. The CCB CyberFundamentals Framework helps organizations implement fundamental controls for an effective cyber resilience strategy and regulatory compliance.

The NIS2 Directive: A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU

NIS Focus Group plenary meeting organised by the Cyber Security Coalition on December 5th 2022.

Guest speakers :

Mr. Pieter Byttebier, Head of International Policy and EU Affairs – Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Mr. Karl Dobbelaere, Policy Manager – Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium


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The NIS2 Directive: A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU
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