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Interactive Cyber Security E-Learning

Challenge your employees with an interactive e-learning via Kahoot and raise awareness on cyber security topics.

Challenge your employees

You are responsible for raising cyber security awareness in your company. While we are working from home it is harder to raise awareness on cyber security topics. Classical training courses in a meeting room are not always allowed. When meanwhile employees are being targeted more frequently by cybercriminals.

This is why the Cyber Security Coalition has created an interactive e-learning via Kahoot! You can challenge your employees, give them a deadline to complete the e-learning and get feedback on their results.

Benefits of this approach
  • It is completely free
  • It is a modern, interactive way to raise awareness on cyber security
  • You get their results
  • Employees can choose when and on which device (laptop, smartphone) they complete the e-learning (only with ‘challenge’)
  • We started with the actual ‘Safe homeworking’ theme
  • Other topics will be elaborated later, depending on the interest for e.g.: strong passwords, phishing, social engineering, GDPR

First, create a free account:

Next, you can choose whether you want to host:

  • a challenge; employees can complete this e-learning at their own pace and on a device of their choice (laptop, smartphone).
  • a live quiz during a video conference or webinar


Click on the link of the Kahoot: Cyber Security Coalition – Safe Homeworking

Click ‘Play’, choose ‘Create challenge’ and set a deadline.

Switch off the question timer.


Invite players by email or Learning Management System by copying the challenge URL or PIN of the challenge in the invitation.

The players can click on the link or go to the Kahoot app/website and enter the PIN.

Attention: You can only invite 10 players per challenge in the free version. However, it is possible to launch several challenges at the same time. For example, you can send one challenge per department. You can also organise a competition between different departments.


Participants pick a nickname and complete the challenge at their own pace. They must, of course, respect your deadline.


You can see the final scoreboard when all participants have completed the challenge. The scoreboard includes:

  • The overall final percentage
  • The finishing percentage per player (nickname)
  • Whether there are difficult questions (<35% of participants had the question right)
  • Whether there are players who need help (score <35%)
  • Whether there are players who did not finish the quiz


Click on the link of the Kahoot: Cyber Security Coalition – Safe Homeworking

Start a video conference (Skype/Microsoft Teams/Zoom/Cisco Webex/…) or webinar.


Click ‘Play’ and ‘Host live’ to launch the kahoot.

Switch off the question timer.

Share your screen.

Attention: You can only have 10 players participate live in the free version.


Participants see the questions on the screen of the host (e.g. on their laptop) and join with a second device (e.g. their smartphone) to answer.


You can see the final scoreboard in your account. The scoreboard includes:

  • The overall final percentage
  • The finishing percentage per player (nickname)
  • Whether there are difficult questions (<35% of participants had the question right)
  • Whether there are players who need help (score <35%)
  • Whether there are players who did not finish the quiz
Interactive Cyber Security E-Learning
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