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Home Resources Community Presentations Application Security 2024

Application Security 2024

For the sixth time, the Cyber Security Coalition organized a joint event with SecAppDev, offering members a unique glimpse into the forefront of cybersecurity research and practice. In the morning, SecAppDev guest speakers provided exclusive previews of their SecAppDev course lectures. In the afternoon, the programme was curated by the Application Security Focus Group permanent chair. 


  • Externalizing authorization in a diverse application landscape using OPA 
    Michael Boeynaems (Splynter, AP Hogeschool)
    Jasper Rots (Splynter) 
  • Building Secure ReactJS Applications: Mastering Advanced Security Techniques
    Jim Manico (Manicode Security) 

  • Security Signals – A framework to scale web security 
    Slawomir Goryczka (Google) 

  • Introduction to Macaroons 
    Neil Madden (Illuminated Security Ltd)  

  • Security in the LLM Era: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly   
    Tim Van Hamme (KU Leuven – Distrinet) 
    Thomas Vissers (KU Leuven) 

  • Scaling the Application Security Programme of a Fortune 500 Company with OWASP SAMM
    Aram Hovsepyan (Codific) 

  • Integrating privacy by design in the SDLC
    Bart van Buitenen (Dasprive) 

Application Security 06-06-24
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