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Home Resources Awareness Campaigns Relax! And think twice before clicking on a link

Relax! And think twice before clicking on a link

Phishing remains a big problem not only for the individual Internet user, but also for companies, organizations and the government. Often because we click too fast! Discover the 2019 awareness campaign launched by The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) and the Cyber Security Coalition.

The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) and the Cyber Security Coalition are launching for the 5th time, a national Cyber Security Awareness campaign in October, the European Cyber Security Month. This year’s campaign will fully focus on Phishing, as it remains a big problem not only for the individual Internet user, but also for companies, organizations and the government.

Phishing is used by cybercriminals:

  • to obtain individual users’ identity and bank details,
  • for extortion / stealing from individual Internet users or companies,
  • to hack into accounts,
  • to penetrate systems and/or steal data,
  • to spread malware,
  • and even for espionage/sabotage.

Let’s stop phishing together

Even though many internet users are cautious and often recognize fake messages, still too many people click on malicious links in emails, text messages and social media with tragic consequences. Often because we click too fast! Therefore, the slogan of the 2019 national awareness campaign is: “Relax ! And think twice before clicking on a link”. When receiving suspicious messages, don’t hesitate and send them to [email protected]. This way we aim to significantly reduce the number of phishing victims.

In 2018, the Center for cybersecurity Belgium received no less than 648.522 mails through their email address [email protected]. These mails were automatically scanned and a total of almost 1500 fake websites were blocked.

On the campaign website you can find more useful tips and information. The digital health index can also be found here, so that you can test for yourself your cyber security knowledge.

Relax! And think twice before clicking on a link
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