Nathalie Ragheno


The FEB was an essential partner in the creation of the Cyber Security Coalition; this cross-industry employers' organization represents companies in Belgium’s three regions. Nathalie Ragheno, Senior Adviser at FEB, and currently Director at the Cyber Security Coalition, explains why it has a key part to play in our national economy and why the FEB decided to be one of the founders of the Cyber Security Coalition. 

Geert Baudewijns


Secutec is a security player in Belgium, specializing exclusively in cyber security. The company provides high-quality security solutions, guiding customers in the protection of their servers and data, or intervening when a hacking occurs. CEO Geert Baudewijns explains, “We ensure that our customers are always one step ahead of the cyber criminals.” 

David Vanderoost

Approach Belgium

Approach is a pure-play cyber security and privacy service provider. For more than 20 years, the company has been building trust in the cyberspace and helping its clients deal with cyber incidents. CEO David Vanderoost sheds a light on the company’s growth, the latest cyber trends in Belgium, and the perks of being a member of the Cyber Security Coalition.

Thibaut Roisin


For Thibaut Roisin, Managing Director Security at Accenture, the most important contribution of the Cyber Security Coalition is its ability to increase the visibility of cybersecurity, and inspire more people to choose a cybersecurity career. 

Axel Legay

Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)

Axel Legay is a professor and researcher in cyber security and software engineering at UCLouvain, Belgium’s leading French-speaking university. He is also the coordinator of CyberWal, an initiative that brings together Walloon researchers and economic players in the cyber security domain, as well as one of the initiators and designers of the CoronAlert application. In […]

Benoit Hucq & Jeremy Grandclaudon

Agence du Numérique

The Agence du Numérique is a major facilitator in the ‘Digital Wallonia’ strategy – the roadmap for a digitally strong and inclusive Wallonia. In the update of the strategy, from 2021 till 2024, 15 million euro will be invested in core cyber security. In addition, a dedicated budget for innovation and research, such as the CyberWal research plan, has been put in place. The KIS initiative aims at raising the cyber security maturity of SMBs.

Fabrice Wynants


A takeaway from the interview with Fabrice Wynants is the need for an end-to-end view on cyber security with security measures at different levels - workplace, apps, infrastructure & cloud. Cyber resilience demands expertise regarding prevention, detection, response, and – not to forget - a focus on recoverability, one of Cegeka's areas of expertise.

Alex Driesen & Sebastien Deleersnyder


Among the member organizations of the CSC, Toreon is an example of an SME achieving world leader quality through exquisite focusing on security in general, and both threat modeling and OT security (industrial, medical, IoT) in particular.

Isabelle Marchand & Patrick Wynant


As a member of the Cyber Security Coalition, financial sector federation Febelfin focuses on many more aspects of cyber security than just the security of financial systems. To this end, Febelfin counts on the cooperation of a large and diverse community of partners.

Thomas Declerck

Allen & Overy (Belgium) LLP

International law firm Allen & Overy offers extensive insights in cyber security, as it sits at the cross road of many areas of expertise and operates in over 30 countries around the world.  Based in Allen & Overy’s Brussels office, Thomas Declerck deals with both the preventive and incident response aspects of cyber security, with a specific focus on investigating and litigating cybercrime. 

Séverine De Potter

Séverine De Potter

Belgium’s Federal Public Service (FPS) of Foreign Affairs

Cyber diplomacy comes into its own in a world with increasingly severe cross-border state sponsored – as well as criminal - cyberattacks. At Belgium’s Federal Public Service (FPS) of Foreign Affairs, Séverine De Potter focuses on this new extension of the age old art of diplomatic response to skirmishes.

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