Joris Pinoy


In an era where every weakness is exploited for a cyber-attack, high-performing cyber incident response plans (CIRP) are a cornerstone of a sound cyber security strategy. With this in mind, a year ago, Joris Pinoy, Head of Cyber Threat Management at Euroclear, committed himself to the role of co-chair of the Cyber Incident Detection and Response (CIDR) focus group of the Cyber Security Coalition. “As the speed of attacks continues to increase, the ability to deal with acute emergencies is more important than ever.” 

Jan Leonard

Orange Belgium

Although privacy and data protection have evolved significantly in recent years, enforcement of the regulatory rules is insufficient. This makes awareness raising and knowledge sharing more essential than ever. Jan Leonard, DPO at Orange Belgium, is Chair of the Cyber Security Coalition’s Data Protection and Privacy focus group. He firmly believes in the added value of this specialised panel. “The fact that membership is almost never questioned proves that the other members feel the same way.”

Ulrich Seldeslachts

LSEC - Leaders in Security

As CEO of LSEC - Leaders in Security, a global innovator and facilitator of solutions for the cyber security industry, Ulrich Seldeslachts puts his decades of experience to use to raise the overall maturity level of the sector. His active engagement in the Cyber Security Coalition is an extension of this: “I have seen the Coalition become more specialised and focused – which is great -, but we also need our members to contribute more actively, and keep the sharing spirit alive " 

Kurt Gielen

Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL)

The healthcare sector has grown into a highly sought-after target for cyber criminals in recent years. Meanwhile, technological innovation within this sector continues unabated. To tackle the resulting and ever-increasing set of challenges, the Coalition set up the Focus Group Cyber Security for Healthcare. Kurt Gielen, IT Manager at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL), is one of the initiators of the focus group, and firmly believes in its added value. 

Alexandre Pluvinage

ING Belgium

The Belgian cyber security ecosystem has grown strongly in recent years, yet the challenges in the field remain huge. The banking sector is embracing its responsibilities, including by supporting initiatives around knowledge sharing and cooperation. As the success of prevention still is largely determined by awareness, actions aimed at the general public continue to be a necessity. ING Belgium’s Alexandre Pluvinage therefore reaches out to both professionals and private consumers. 

Thijs Braem


Urgent global challenges - such as climate change, social and economic inequality, urbanisation, and security - are attracting increased attention. By addressing these issues globally, the Belgian development agency Enabel strives for a sustainable world in which everyone can develop to their full potential. And preferably in a safe way, considering the increasing threat landscape. 

Fabrice Clément


As we mark the 9th anniversary of the Cyber Security Coalition, founding member Proximus' commitment to fortifying businesses against cyber threats stands strong. At the forefront of this initiative is Fabrice Clément, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Proximus. Tasked with ensuring cybersecurity, business continuity, fraud prevention, and investigations, Fabrice's expertise is integral to Proximus' development of tailored cybersecurity services for its business clientele. As a Board member of the Cyber Security Coalition, Fabrice's dedication and strategic insights continue to shape the landscape of cybersecurity, empowering businesses to navigate evolving threats while meeting stringent legal and regulatory standards.

Rigo Van den Broeck


Mastercard is best known for its payment cards. But over the years, it has grown into a tech company, with 80% of its customers coming from outside the banking sector. Mastercard mostly services companies with a large supply chain in sectors such as pharma, fast moving consumer goods, automotive, etc. Rigo Van den Broeck is Global Cyber Security Lead for Mastercard, responsible for all products improving cybersecurity worldwide. 

Pascal Rogiest

RHEA Group

RHEA Group is a systems engineering company headquartered in Belgium, with a strategic focus on both space and cyber. The Group provides bespoke engineering solutions, systems development and security services to critical infrastructures, mainly in the space, defence and security sectors. Pascal Rogiest, Chief Commercial Officer of RHEA Group, explains how the organisation expanded its initial DNA of space to include cyber, and why it is taking part in the Cyber Security Coalition. 

Simen Van der Perre & Wim Van Langenhove

Orange Cyberdefense Belgium

Orange Cyberdefense is the business unit of the Orange Group focussing on cyber security. It provides managed security, managed threat detection and response services to organisations around the globe. 300 of the group’s 3,000 employees work for Orange Cyberdefense Belgium. We got to know two of them: Wim Van Langenhove and Simen Van der Perre. “The direct input that we receive through members of the Cyber Security Coalition is priceless.”

Jeroen Fiers & Patrick Hauspie

Vlaamse Overheid - VLAIO - Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen

Every entrepreneur in Flanders should be aware of VLAIO: this government agency encourages and supports innovation and entrepreneurship and contributes to a favourable business climate. Patrick Hauspie and Jeroen Fiers are advisors on the hot topic of ‘cyber security’, and work in close collaboration with the Cyber Security Coalition.

Jef Cools

The High Council of the Self-Employed and SMEs (HRZKMO - CSIPME)

The High Council for the Self-employed and SMEs, is a federal advisory council that unites 180 SME business federations. Jef Cools works as a policy advisor at this council and has been focusing more and more on cyber security in recent years.

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